
Birds of Lubbock County is your one stop website for species accounts, rare bird alerts and everything bird related in Lubbock County.

All species accounts are based on eBird, Birds of the Texas South Plains 8th Edition, July 2006 (Compiled by Anthony Hewetson, Rich Kostecke, Brandon Best), and personal experience. Photos are taken by Cameron O. Carver unless otherwise noted and are subject to any and all copyright laws.

Please report rare bird sightings to c.o.carver@gmail.com or leave a message at 817.996.7579
Please report all sightings to eBird.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rare Bird Alert December 18, 2012

A Northern Shrike was reported in Becton, TX November 30 and continues as of December 12th.

A female/immature Vermillion Flycatcher was found at Mae Simmons Park during the Lubbock CBC on December 15th. Bird was found again the 16th, but was missed on the 17th.

A Palm Warbler (western) was found by Steve Collins at MacKenzie Park on December 18th. The bird was in a feeding flock of Eastern Bluebirds and Yellow-rumped Warblers. The bird was seen later in the day and photographed.

An adult male Purple Finch was found in the community on north Olive St. by Anthony Hewetson during the Lubbock CBC on December 15th. Has not been refound.

An American Woodcock was found on the LEAS Nature Trail at Buffalo Springs Lake on November 18th. The bird continues as of December 15th.

Not rare but significant for those outside of the reporting region, a Townsend's Solitaire was found in the junipers north of the playa at Clapp Park on November 27th. Last report was December 15th.

Red Crossbills have been reported throughout the county. Tech Terrace and the Lubbock Cemetery have been most reliable.

Please report all rare bird sightings to c.o.carver@gmail.com or leave a message at 817.996.7579. Please post all sightings within the county to eBird.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Rare Bird Alert December 1, 2012

A Northern Shrike was reported in Becton, TX November 30 and continues as of December 1st.

All four longspur species can be found at the playa south of the Becton Cemetery.

Not rare but significant for those outside of the reporting region, a Townsend's Solitaire was found in the junipers north of the playa at Clapp Park on November 27th. Last report was November 29th.

Please report all rare bird sightings to c.o.carver@gmail.com or leave a message at 817.996.7579. Please post all sightings within the county to eBird.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rare Bird Alert October 24, 2012

A Red Crossbill was seen in Anthony Hewetson's yard on October 22. This may be an irruption year for the species and it would be advised to check feeders and areas favourited by finches.

Please report all rare bird sightings to c.o.carver@gmail.com or leave a message at 817.996.7579. Please post all sightings within the county to eBird.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Snow Goose

Chen caerulescens

Status: Common Winter Visitor and uncommon to rare migrant
Occurrence: Snow Goose has been recorded within the greater South Plains area from September to June with most sightings occurring between November and March.
Snow Goose can be found with other species of goose or in large single species flocks. Most smaller groups are found on the in town playas and wherever large numbers of geese are congregating. Large Snow Goose flocks can sometimes be seen flying over the county with numbers anywhere from 100 to 800. Blue morph birds are uncommon.
This species hybridizes with other goose species and these hybrids have been found in the county. Please document any suspected hybrid.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Greater White-fronted Goose

Anser albifrons

Status: Uncommon winter visitor
Occurrence: Greater White-fronted Goose has been recorded within the greater South Plains area from October to May with most sightings occurring between November and February.
Greater White-fronted Goose is typically found with other goose species. Good places to look for the White-fronted Geese are many of the in town playas, the Lubbock County Farm fields east of town, or any place where large numbers of geese congregate. They are most likely to be found in small groups, but numbers up to 42 have been recorded. I personally have never seen more than 20 in the county.
This bird is often referred to as Speckle Belly.

Greater White-fronted Goose found February 16, 2012 near Lubbock City Farms.

Rare Bird Alert August 5, 2012

A Neotropic Cormorant was found and subsequently photographed at Leroy Elmore Park on August 3, 2012. The bird was on the island and loosely associated with 1-4 Double-crested Cormorants. This species is listed as accidental for the county with less than 10 records.

Please report all rare bird sightings to c.o.carver@gmail.com or leave a message at 817.996.7579. Please post all sightings within the county to eBird.