A pair of Black-bellied Whistling Ducks were found by Ross Rickett at Mackenzie Park on July 12. They continued through the evening.
A Song Sparrow was found by Ross Rickett at Lake 6 near the entrance to the Cemetery. This is likely the region's first July record.
The Neotropic Cormorants may still be found at Elmore Park. The last report was from 6/30.
Please report all rare bird sightings to c.o.carver@gmail.com or leave a message at 817.996.7579. Please post all sightings within the county to eBird.
A Song Sparrow was found by Ross Rickett at Lake 6 near the entrance to the Cemetery. This is likely the region's first July record.
The Neotropic Cormorants may still be found at Elmore Park. The last report was from 6/30.
Please report all rare bird sightings to c.o.carver@gmail.com or leave a message at 817.996.7579. Please post all sightings within the county to eBird.